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  • venice12

mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 20.09.2015

Re: Die Rolle Israels in dem Konflikt

Sabotagetrupps und Guerillakämpfer gesucht.

"As western mercenaries join the fight against Russian forces in Ukraine, The Times has learnt that contractors are recruiting former military agents for covert operations inside the country."

"“Employer is a US-based corporation. Both male and female agents are welcome to apply,” the advertisement says.

“Only highly experienced candidates who possess at least 5+ years of military experience in this region of Europe will be considered for this role.”

The ad says the payment would be $1,000-2,000 per day and a bonus will be available after the completion of the operation."

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (10.03.2022 17:47).

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