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Re: Das "Ende der SU"

im Apfel ist der Wurm drin schrieb am 26.04.2024 13:20:

hat etliche Anfänge, darunter einige deutlich frühere.

Afghanistan sei da nur als ein Beispiel genannt...


Sergey Radchenko: Mikhail Gorbachev. The Anatomy of New Thinking. In: Nuno P. Monteiro, Fritz Bartel (Hrsg.): Before and After the Fall. World Politics and the End of the Cold War. Cambridge University Press, 2021, ISBN 978-1-108-84334-8, S. 56, :
"The Western historiography of the war is replete with claims to the effect that Afghanistan bankrupted the USSR (with Reagan and the CIA awarded the credit for supporting the mujahideen in their jihad against the Soviet invaders). There is no evidence to support this line of argument. Soviet spending on the war was substantial– about $ 7.5 billion between 1984 and 1987 alone– but that number was but a drop in the ocean compared to the annual Soviet military budget (roughly $ 128 billion). And although more than 13 , 000 troops perished in the war between in 1979 and 1989, the Party’s control of the press assured that the public knew little of the true extent of the casualties. It is hardly surprising, then, that when he discussed the need to withdraw from Afghanistan early on his tenure, Gorbachev did not seem particularly concerned about the economic or the social consequences of the war."

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (26.04.2024 13:37).

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