Ignoramus-et-Ignorabimus schrieb am 14.05.2024 09:30:
... da fällt mir im Zusammenhang mit nuklearer Bewaffnung doch gleich mein Lieblingszitat von Mearsheimer ein:
Nuclear weapons seem to be in almost everybody's bad book, but the fact is that they are a powerful force for peace. Deterrence is most likely to hold when the costs and risks of going to war are unambiguously stark
Mearsheimer: Why we will soon miss the Cold War. The Atlantic 8/90.
Folgendes Zitat von 1993 finde ich aber auch nicht schlecht:
"In fact, as soon as it declared independence, Ukraine should have been quietly encouraged to fashion its own nuclear deterrent. Even now, pressing Ukraine to become a nonnuclear state is a mistake."
Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (14.05.2024 11:23).