m.elsken schrieb am 26.11.2021 12:13:
Halte ich für extrem unwahrscheinlich. Eher bricht der Weltfrieden aus, weil die Terroristic States of America still und leise implodieren, ohne die ganze restliche Welt in den Abgrund zu reissen.
Da wäre ich mir nicht so sicher...
NASA’s Hubble Telescope Captures a Rare Metal Asteroid Worth 70,000 Times the Global Economy
The metallic rarity is valued at $10,000,000,000,000,000,000.
Mission to rare metal asteroid could spark space mining boom. Scientists think it is mostly made of nickel and iron, but could also be abundant in more valuable metals such as platinum and gold.
NASA announces 2022 mission to explore metal asteroid so valuable it could crash the world economy
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