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Re: Selbst nach zwei Jahren hinken diese Vergleiche

Bert Eta schrieb am 14.04.2022 11:04:

Mountain View schrieb am 14.04.2022 10:12:

Furiella schrieb am 14.04.2022 09:58:

Sie werden das auch weiterhin tun.

Meine einzige Erklärung für solche Vergleiche: Spaß an der polemischen Freude.

Wenn ich mir die Situation ansehe, bleibt mir nur der Sarkasmus. Keine der Krankenschwestern, mit denen ich gesprochen habe, die sich nicht impfen lassen wollen, hat klare Gründe dafür.

Da muss ich also davon ausgehen, dass bei deren Ausbildung etwas schief gelaufen ist, und dann ist es auch nicht schade darum, dass sie sich eine andere Arbeit suchen müssen.

Klar, es fördert das Dilemma im Gesundheitswesen, aber ich wäre bereit, das zu tragen, wenn die Alternative heißt, dass die Dummen die Gesellschaft erpressen.

Und was will ich von einer Fachkraft im Gesundheitswesen, wenn sie eben bewiesen hat, dass das Attribut "Fach" nicht gerechtfertigt ist?

Na die wirklich Dummen haben sich betrügen lassen und gefährden nun die Vulnerablen durch empirisch belegtes 4-Faches Risiko einer Infektion - jedenfalls im UK (Seite 45)

ebenfalls in Luxemburg, Schottland, Dänemark... usw.

Also im Abstract steht folgendes:

As with all vaccines, the safety of COVID-19
vaccines is continuously being monitored by the MHRA. They conclude that overall, the benefits
of COVID-19 vaccines outweigh any potential risks (2).
Please note that from next week, data on COVID-19 cases by vaccination status will no longer
be presented in this report. For more information please see below and on page 37.
Vaccine effectiveness
Several studies of vaccine effectiveness (VE) have been conducted in the UK against different
COVID-19 variants. Vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic disease with the Omicron
variant is substantially lower than against the Delta variant, with rapid waning. However,
protection against hospitalisation remains high, particularly after 3 doses.

Population impact
The impact of the vaccination programme on the population is assessed by taking into account
vaccine coverage, evidence on vaccine effectiveness and the latest COVID-19 disease
surveillance indicators.
Vaccine coverage tells us about the proportion of the population that have received one, 2 and
3 doses of COVID-19 vaccines. By 27 March 2022, the overall vaccine uptake in England for
dose 1 was 69.5% and for dose 2 was 65.3%. Overall vaccine uptake in England in people with
at least 3 doses was 50.9%. In line with the programme rollout, coverage is highest in the oldest
age groups.
We present data on COVID-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status. This
raw data should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness as the data does not take
into account inherent biases present such as differences in risk, behaviour and testing in the
vaccinated and unvaccinated populations

Ich übersetze mal den letzten Satz:

Bitte ziehen Sie keine Schlussfolgerungen aus den rohen Tabellendaten, weil die reinen Zahlen die zahlreichen intervenierenden Variablen wie unterschiedliches Risiko, Verhalten und Testungen bei Geimpften und Ungeimpften nicht berücksichtigen.

Zu der Tabelle auf Seite 45 steht extra noch mal:

The case rates in the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations are unadjusted crude rates that do not take into account underlying statistical biases in the data and there are likely to be systematic
differences between these 2 population groups.
For example:
• testing behaviour is likely to be different between people with different vaccination status, resulting in differences in the chances of being identified as a case
• many of those who were at the head of the queue for vaccination are those at higher risk from COVID-19 due to their age, their occupation, their family circumstances or because of underlying health
• people who are fully vaccinated and people who are unvaccinated may behave differently, particularly with regard to social interactions and therefore may have differing levels of exposure to COVID-19
• people who have never been vaccinated are more likely to have caught COVID-19 in the weeks or months before the period of the cases covered in the report. This gives them some natural immunity to
the virus which may have contributed to a lower case rate in the past few weeks

Ich glaube, Sie unterliegen einer Fehleinschätzung, weil Sie das Kleingedruckte nicht gelesen haben.

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