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Re: SU Wirtschaft

Zubok zeigt das in seinem Buch ja, wie in Gorbatschows Amtszeit immer mehr Rubel gedruckt wurden.

On 2 December 1991, the Soviet Union was already a carcass, destroyed first by Gorbachev’s reforms and then by the implacable separatism of Yeltsin’s course of action. The financial obituary of the Soviet Union tells the story of its destruction best. In 1986 and 1987, the years of Chernobyl and the vodka deficit, the Ministry of Finance printed only 3.9 and 5.9 billion rubles respectively. By contrast, in 1987–88, when the Laws on Enterprises and Cooperatives punched permanent holes in the financial system, the injections of ruble liquidity increased respectively to 11.7 and 18.3 billion. In 1990 parliamentary populism, the sovereignty of republics and their “war of laws” against the central government made the ministry print 28.4 billion rubles. In 1991, as Gorbachev devolved authority to the republics, the infusion of rubles rose to 93.4 billion. The “savings” of the Soviet population grew exponentially, yet they quickly turned into worthless piles of paper. A state that could not ensure its main function, a stable currency, was bound to fall apart. (1)

(1) Vladislav M. Zubok: Collapse. The Fall of the Soviet Union. Yale University Press, 2021, ISBN 978-0-300-25730-4, S. 397–398,

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