Der Einfluss von Krankheiten auf "konformes" Verhalten..
Psychologische Studien haben herausgefunden das man Menschen mit der Androhung von Krankheitsrisiken besonders gut zu gewünschtem Verhalten bewegen kann..
"The social impact of pathogen threat: How disease salience influences conformity"
Having to deal with pathogens exerts selection pressure to favor conforming behavior and personality. According toBoyd and Rich-erson (1985), when the potential costs of making errors or failing to find solutions are high, organisms adopt the conformist model by preferentially copying the most widely accepted models or solutions to a problem. The high cost of pathogens should favor the conformist model by copying the majority rather than trying and erring with potentially fatal consequences.
Dabei ist es allerdings unerheblich ob die Bedrohung real ist oder nicht !
wie eine andere Studie herausfand..
When the threat of infectious disease was temporarily salient, people expressed greater liking for people with conformist traits and exhibited higher levels of behavioral conformity; no comparable increase in conformist attitudes and behavior followed from temporarily salience of threats that were non-relevant to disease.
These results support the hypothesis that the perceived threat of infectious disease exerts an especially potent (and perhaps psychologically unique) influence on individuals' conformist attitudes and behavior.
Die Studien sind von 2011 und 2012 ..
Mfg Makrovir
Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (04.09.2020 21:29).