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Apropos "Europa muss endlich"…

Gestern hat Alena Douhan, UN-Sonderberichtserstatterin für negative Auswirkungen unilateraler Zwangsmassnahmen auf die Menschenrechtslage, den Bericht zu ihrem Besuch in Syrien vorgestellt.

»Douhan said 90 per cent of Syria’s population was currently living below the poverty line, with limited access to food, water, electricity, shelter, cooking and heating fuel, transportation and healthcare and warned that the country was facing a massive brain-drain due to growing economic hardship.

"With more than half of the vital infrastructure either completely destroyed or severely damaged, the imposition of unilateral sanctions on key economic sectors, including oil, gas, electricity, trade, construction and engineering have quashed national income, and undermine efforts towards economic recovery and reconstruction." […]

"In the current dramatic and still-deteriorating humanitarian situation as 12 million Syrians grapple with food insecurity, I urge the immediate lifting of all unilateral sanctions that severely harm human rights and prevent any efforts for early recovery, rebuilding and reconstruction," Douhan said.

"No reference to good objectives of unilateral sanctions justifies the violation of fundamental human rights. The international community has an obligation of solidarity and assistance to the Syrian people."«

Hinzu kommt die Besetzung von Teilen des Landes durch die USA, die Türkei und Israel. Die USA stehlen Syriens Öl und Weizen und hätscheln ihre Terroristen. Israel bombardiert Syrien regelmässig, unter anderem zivile Flughäfen.

gruss. luky

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