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  • PippiLangstrumpf

mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 13.05.2004

Re: völlig richtig: Ukraine wird als Knüppel zwischen Russland und USA missbrauc

Stoneburner schrieb am 10.05.2024 15:59:

PippiLangstrumpf schrieb am 10.05.2024 14:13:

Die Partei wurde nicht verboten. Sie existiert sogar immer noch. Es sind allerdings sehr viele Mitglieder ausgetreten.,_disintegration_and_ban

On 21 February 2023 the Eighth Administrative Court of Appeal banned the party.

Oh, ist mir in der Tat entgangen, aber ein Verbot 2023 hat ja keinen Einfluss auf die Wahlen in 2014.

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, many former members of the Party of Regions supported the Russian side.[148] A number of city leaders in Russian-occupied territories were accused of collaboration and high treason for their cooperation with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.[149][150] Thus, in Melitopol, a deputy from the Party of Regions and the Opposition Bloc, Galina Danilchenko, thanks to cooperation with the Russian army, was proclaimed by the Russians as “acting mayor of the city” on March 12, 2022. This happened the day after the arrest of the mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov, by the Russian military.[151] Also in Kupiansk, the mayor of the Opposition Platform — For Life, Gennady Matsegora, voluntarily surrendered the city to the Russian armed forces.[152] Many former members of the Party of Regions on the ground were also appointed by Russian troops as heads of civil administrations in the occupied territories.

Na ja, das Verbot ist jawohl nachvollziehbar.

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (10.05.2024 16:15).

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