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370 Beiträge seit 05.12.2022

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Robert Fico, meanwhile, recently told a rally the war had started in 2014 when "Ukrainian Nazis and fascists started murdering the Russian population of Donbas."

Each year some 17% of Slovak high school graduates leave their country to study at universities abroad. The OECD average is 2%. They leave, he said, because of disillusionment with poor higher education and healthcare, a lack of tolerance - particularly outside of the capital - and a general sense of discontent. Over half never come back.

Progressive Slovakia offers a vision of an open, tolerant, cosmopolitan society. SMER dismisses that vision as "liberal fascism", campaigning on stability, order and social security instead.

"Right now Robert Fico doesn't have a better version of himself. Right now, he has to keep feeding his electorate. For this electorate you have to defeat someone every day. Because once you told them that there is a threat of migration, there is a threat of the LGBT community, and the liberals - you have to keep fighting against them."

Das ist bekannt. Es geht nicht um das Volk, es geht um die eigene Macht. Dazu müssen die eigenen Wähler mit Lügen und Ängsten gefüttert werden. Dieses Gesinnungsgut zieht sich durch den rechten Sektor wie ein roter Faden. Ob Höcke, Orban, Trump, Le Pen, Meloni, Wagenknecht, der Faschismus erlebt eine Renaissance.


Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (03.10.2023 09:44).

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