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mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 29.12.2013

"AI" hat die Brutkastenbabys vergessen

"Brutkastenlüge von CNN und Rami Abdul-Rahman (Syrian Observatory for Human Rights) entlarvt"

"AI" ist keine glaubwürdige Quelle. Kontrolliert wird "AI" vom US State Department und wie schon im Fall der Brutkastenlüge von 1990 verbreitet diese PSYOP-Truppe unüberprüft Kriegspropaganda u.a. auch von den "White Helmet"-Terroristen.

Solche Gräuelmärchen dienen der Rekrutierung von Terroristen:
"Pointing out that America armed and trained a military machine that was using Mujahideen as "shock troops," O'Neill reminds us of the striking parallels between the positions of Al-Qaeda militants and "liberal hawks in newsrooms across America and Europe":

Indeed, many of the Mujahideen who fought in Bosnia were inspired to do so by simplistic media coverage of the sort written by liberal-left journalists in the West. Many of the testimonies made by Arab fighters reveal that they first ventured to Bosnia because they "saw US media reports on rape camps" or read about the "genocide" in Bosnia and the "camps used by Serb soldiers systematically to rape thousands of Muslim women." Holy warriors seem to have been moved to action by some of the more shrill and unsubstantiated coverage of the war in Bosnia."

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