hubid schrieb am 09.12.2022 14:12:
PippiLangstrumpf schrieb am 09.12.2022 14:02:
hubid schrieb am 09.12.2022 13:42:
Wurden dabei transparente Urnen eingesetzt?
Dann ist das hier Deiner Meinung nach eine bösartige Fálschung? (Fotostrecke anschauen)Ich nehme an, der Rest Deiner Einlassungen ist ähnlich fundiert.
Ich verlasse mich lieber auf die Experten:
Wahlbeobachtung durch die OSZE.
(The election)
"was competitive, voters had a broad choice and turned out in high numbers. In the preelectoral period the law was often not implemented in good faith by many stakeholders, which negatively impacted the trust in the election administration, enforcement of campaign finance rules, and the effectiveness of election dispute resolution. Fundamental freedoms were generally respected.
Candidates could campaign freely; yet, numerous and credible indications of misuse of state resources and vote-buying undermined the credibility of the process.” The Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions issued on 22 April concluded that the election “was competitive and held with respect for fundamental freedoms. The orderly transfer of power should offer the opportunity for strengthening democratic institutions and their accountability, although the campaign for both rounds lacked genuine discussion of issues of public concern. The media landscape and campaign coverage reflected the dominance of economic interests in public and political life. The runoff was well-organized, despite operational challenges and a limited timeframe
Alles in allem positiv, wenn auch nicht perfekt. Allerdings gab es noch keine Wahl, die Null Verbesserungsmöglichkeit ergab.