Wie immer: A sagen und B tun bzw. in die andere Richtung schauen.
Beispiel: Holz
Die Plünderung der Karpaten-Wälder ist Ende 2020 auch schon den VN aufgefallen. Aktion? Keine natürlich.
The old-growth forests of the Carpathians and their unique biodiversity are disappearing at alarming rates.
Wie schlimm ist es?
In Ukraine, the rate of cutting has reached some 300,000 hectares per year. At this rate, in a couple of years will be no more forest in the Carpathians.
Und wer steckt dahinter?
EU calls to lift the ban on the export of timber from Ukraine; otherwise, further funding will not be released
Ukraine will receive the second and third tranche of financial assistance from the EU only after the country lifts the ban on the export of raw timber established in April 2015. This was announced by the Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Natalia Mykolska.
Korruption? Doch nicht die Ukraine und die EU ;-)