foobar schrieb am 28.04.2024 09:24:
spetctre schrieb am 28.04.2024 09:17:
Ein souveräner Staat hat selbstverständlich das Recht sich einem Verteidigungsbündnis anzuschließen.
Hätte die Ukraine das rechtzeitig gemacht, hätte es nie einen Ukrainekrieg gegeben. Die Ukraine wäre so sicher wie das Baltikum.Die Ukraine wollte sich bereits 2008 der NATO anschließen, aber Merkel hat das abgelehnt.
Das Appeasement von damals trägt also heute "Früchte".
Und 2010 hat die Ukraine ihre Blockfreiheit gesetzlich festgeschrieben.
"The biggest problem with the theory that Putin seized Crimea to stop Ukraine from joining NATO is that Ukraine was not heading toward NATO membership when Putin struck. In 2010, in large part to improve relations with Russia, the Yanukovych government had passed a law barring Ukraine from participation in any military bloc. In subsequent years, Kiev settled instead for partnership with the alliance, participating in some of its military exercises and contributing a ship to NATO antipiracy operations—an outcome that Russia seemed to accept. Indeed, when Putin, justifying the intervention in March 2014, claimed that he had “heard declarations from Kiev about Ukraine soon joining NATO,” he excluded an important detail: all the recent public statements to that effect by Ukrainian politicians had come only after Russian troops had already appeared in Crimea."