Ist auch im Artikel verlinkt, aber ist dennoch wirklich nett (wie ich
Mich persoenlich hat folgender Absatz fasziniert:
The Size of the Universe
The visible universe appears to have a radius of 14 billion light
years because the universe is about 14 billion years old. The light
from more distant objects simply has not had time to reach us. For
this reason everybody in the universe will find themselves at the
middle of their own visible universe. The precise scale of the
universe is complicated by the fact that the universe is expanding.
Galaxies we see near the edge of the visible universe emitted their
light when they were much closer to us, and they will now be much
further away.
The true size of the universe is probably much larger than the
visible universe. The geometry of the universe suggests that it may
have an infinite size and that it will expand forever. Even if the
universe is not infinite, our visible universe must be a minute speck
in a much larger totality.
Aber das bedeutet doch auch: Das Universum koennte weitaus _aelter_
als 14 Mia. Jahre sein, oder ist das keine Moeglichkeit?
Mich persoenlich hat folgender Absatz fasziniert:
The Size of the Universe
The visible universe appears to have a radius of 14 billion light
years because the universe is about 14 billion years old. The light
from more distant objects simply has not had time to reach us. For
this reason everybody in the universe will find themselves at the
middle of their own visible universe. The precise scale of the
universe is complicated by the fact that the universe is expanding.
Galaxies we see near the edge of the visible universe emitted their
light when they were much closer to us, and they will now be much
further away.
The true size of the universe is probably much larger than the
visible universe. The geometry of the universe suggests that it may
have an infinite size and that it will expand forever. Even if the
universe is not infinite, our visible universe must be a minute speck
in a much larger totality.
Aber das bedeutet doch auch: Das Universum koennte weitaus _aelter_
als 14 Mia. Jahre sein, oder ist das keine Moeglichkeit?