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  • Massivholz 33

712 Beiträge seit 28.01.2021

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Sikkimoto schrieb am 04.06.2021 18:12:

Der stärkste Tobak, nämlich das Abfeiern des Wehrmachtsopis als Friedensbringer wird leider nicht belegt. Das wäre ein Grad an geistiger Umnachtung den ich nicht mal einer Grünenchefin zugetraut hätte.

ANNALENA BAERBOCK: Well, he’s part of my party. And actually, when he was foreign minister, just at this moment I joined the party. This was in 2004, actually, like a really emotional moment for me because it was the first of May in 2004 when Europe did its enlargement to the east. So European countries joined the EU, especially from the east, and I come from a region around Berlin. It’s called Brandenburg. It was eastern Germany. And it has a direct border over the Oder River to Poland. And my own grandfather fought like in the winter of [1945] at this river, at this border. And I was there standing in 2004 on this bridge, which obviously was rebuilt between Poland and Germany, when Joschka Fischer as foreign minister, together with his colleague from the Polish side, was celebrating again the reunification of Europe.

Wenn man sich das ganze Interview durchliest wird sonnenklar warum sie den Opa eingebaut hat. Abgesehen von der üblichen Fehlleistung "Winter ´45"

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (04.06.2021 18:42).

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