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  • Alex Riemenschneider

mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 02.06.2019

Re: Reihenfolge

Sommerloch67 schrieb am 28.07.2023 07:14:

Acht Jahre lang (Minsk2 hat das nie gestoppt) schoß die Kiewer Artillerie auf die Landsleute im Osten.

Ein Ende der Kämpfe war von den Separatisten nicht gewünscht:

SMM reminded participants of the likelihood of civilian casualties, if they failed to honour the agreement to the ceasefire. The representative of the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces said the Ukrainian Armed Forces were willing to cease fire. The “DPR” and “LPR” were not willing to do so.

Mir ist nicht klar, wofür noch gekämpft werden soll.

Dann solltest Du nicht so fest die Augen und Ohren vor den Verbrechen der russischen Besatzer an der ukrainischen Zivilbevölkerung verschließen:

59. In another case, a woman was subjected to repeated rape while held by the FSB. In the beginning of April 2022, FSB officers repeatedly visited her to ask about the whereabouts of her son, a SBU officer. They offered her to work for them, but she refused and told others that the city would soon be liberated by Ukrainian armed forces. In July, eight armed men who introduced themselves as FSB officers entered her house and proceeded to beat and strangle her. They blindfolded her and her husband and drove them to their base of operations. They brought her into a shed and her husband to a nearby garage. A man who introduced himself as the commander told her: “Tell me how you love Ukraine now. We’ll beat Ukraine out of you”. He then left, and six men in balaclavas and sports clothes took her to a room which had hammers, tongs, electrical wires, whips and other tools laid out on a table. They undressed her while strangling and beating her, touched her breasts and buttocks, raped her by inserting their fingers into her vagina and pressed themselves against her body. Later that day, seven men, including a commander, yelled at her that they would see how much a Ukrainian she was and threatened to tie her to a pole, rape her again, film the rape and send the video to her son. They undressed her again, beat and kicked her. The commander raped her again. Over the next days, they continued torturing her, including by electrocution. The commander raped her on multiple occasions by forcing her to perform oral sex until she agreed to cooperate. She said she tried to commit suicide while detained.
Es ist aber natürlich auch denkbar, dass Du diese Berichte kennst, es Dir aber immer noch nicht verständlich ist, warum die Ukrainer dagegen ankämpfen...

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