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Russische Desinformation, damals wie heute.

DasWoelfchen schrieb am 31.03.2024 01:06:

Am 1. März 2014 berichtet das Time Magazin über hunderttausende Demonstranten in der Ostukraine gegen die neue Regierung:

To many in Ukraine, a full-scale Russian military invasion would feel like a liberation. On Saturday, across the country’s eastern and southern provinces, hundreds of thousands of people gathered to welcome the Kremlin’s talk of protecting pro-Russian Ukrainians against the revolution that brought a new government to power last week.

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For the most part, what drove so many people to renounce their allegiance to Ukraine was a mix of pride and fear, the latter fueled in part by misinformation from Moscow. The most apparent deception came on Saturday morning, when the Russian Foreign Ministry put out a statement accusing the new government in Kiev of staging a “treacherous provocation” on the Crimean peninsula. It claimed that “unidentified armed men” had been sent from Kiev to seize the headquarters of the Interior Ministry police in Crimea. But thanks to the “decisive actions of self-defense battalions,” the statement said, the attack had been averted with just a few casualties. This statement turned out to be without any basis in fact.

But the claims coming from Moscow were still enough to spread panic in eastern and southern Ukraine. On Saturday, pro-Russian activists in the Crimean capital of Simferopol staged a massive demonstration in the city, calling on residents to rally against the “Nazi authorities” who had come to power in Kiev.

Nazis, Faschisten und Gayropa -
Russlands Kommunikationsstrategien im Krieg gegen die Ukraine

How the Russian Media Spread False Claims About Ukrainian Nazis

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (31.03.2024 14:56).

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