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Re: Verhandlungen = Versailles 2.0 oder Afghanistan 2.0 ?

gwb schrieb am 10.11.2023 09:53:

Russland hat dazu gelernt und wird in den jeweiligen Ländern zunächst innenpolitisch die Voraussetzungen schaffen.

Du meinst unter Nutzung solcher Instrumente wie hier beschrieben:

Civil Society 2.0 is an initiative to assist non-governmental (NGOs) and civil society organizations (CSOs) in using new digital tools and technologies to increase the reach and impact of their work.

The State Department convened technologists, CSOs, and those who understand the interface of the two groups. Through specific regional events, we gather an understanding of the challenges CSOs face and engage the technology community to help solve them appropriately.
Goals of the program include increasing regional civil society organizations' digital literacy, sharing information, building networks and matchmaking like-minded individuals to organizations. By expanding capacity overall through the digital sphere, organizations will be able to work more efficiently toward their goals.

Und natürlich unterstützt man nur solche "NGOs", die den zu stürzenden Regierungen kritisch gegenüber stehen.

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