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  • riven

mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 05.03.2002

Sie *wollen* gar keine Demokratie...

...die wollen über andere herrschen, so wie sie es zu DDR-Zeiten gewohnt waren.

Es gibt ein schönes Interview mit Jennifer Rubin über Trump-Wähler, das analog hier perfekt passt:

Jennifer Rubin:

Yeah, I don't think it's economic grievance. The average Trump voter was richer than the average Hillary voter. Many people who are following him are quite affluent who have done very well and were the people who got the PPP loans. This is about cultural grievance. This is about a group of people who feel like they were on top, that white Christian people frankly who have dominated this country for a very long time and then that's when we hear this noxious voice from another cable network that says we're being replaced. I don't recognize America. That's not an economic grievance. That's a racial grievance; that's a cultural grievance. And so I think we have to be clear that what a bunch of people are aggrieved about CANNOT BE SOLVED. WE ARE NOT GOING TO GO BACK TO A WHITE DOMINATED COUNTRY! WE ARE NOT GOING TO UNBROWN THE UNITED STATES BECAUSE OF IMMIGRATION ! WE'RE NOT GOING TO BECOME A NON PLURALISTIC DEMOCRACY! THAT'S REALLY WHAT THEY WANT! And the beauty for Trump of that is because it's insoluble, it's a constant grievance. If you could solve it, then it stops being a grievance and he stops having utility. So long as people are aggrieved, we've got something that cannot be solved. YOU CANNOT MAKE WHITE CHRISTIANS A MAJORITY IN AMERICA ANYMORE. Them they'll continue to have anger and he'll continue to stoke it and he'll continue to have them venting. Those people who stormed the Capitol were not carrying signs that said ,"PPP loans for me"; they were carrying CONFEDERATE FLAGS. They were wearing tshirts that said,"Camp Auschwitz"! We have to be very clear about what is underlying this. And although there are people who have economic grievance, there are people who have suffered, frankly that's not the motivating force the biggest correlation with Donald Trump is people who think white people have been victims, that's the biggest identification with Trump. You watch Fox News and you think white people are victims and, oh by the way, women don't know their place anymore. And THAT'S HOW YOU IDENTIFY A TRUMP VOTER!

Analog in Ostdeutschland - da sind's halt Leute, die sich selber für 'Herrschermaterial' halten und nicht damit zurechtkommen, dass andere nicht vor ihnen die Knie beugen.

Und genauso wie Trump diese seine 'Base' eigentlich gar nicht mehr verlieren kann, genauso kann sich die AfD zurücklehnen und uns dabei zusehen, wie Politik und Journalismus gegen Windmühlen reiten.

Aber da darf man ja nicht drüber reden... :))


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