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Re: @Hillary Clinton: "Multiculturalism - the human variant of mad cow disease"

Mzungu schrieb am 09.10.2016 13:21:

Quelle: "The Podesta Emails"

"Multiculturalism - the human variant of mad cow disease - seems to have run its course in much of Europe, but is still going strong in Germany." :-D:-D:-D

Mr Podesta is a long-term associate of the Clintons and was President Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff from 1998 until 2001. Mr Podesta also owns the Podesta Group with his brother Tony, a major lobbying firm and is the Chair of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a Washington DC-based think tank.

Podesta wird bezahlt, um die Clintons mit harten Fakten und realistischen Lageberichten zu versorgen. Niemand im Zentrum der Macht interessiert sich für das "Deutschomanie" Geblöke von Kladdor, Heni -- selbsternannten Leithammeln in der Herde -- oder folgt dem "Rinderwahn" hier in der TP. :-P To: Date: 2016-02-21 00:51 Subject: Multikultistan: A house of horrors for ordinary Germans

B-) Auszüge: -- aber besser lest den ganzen Bericht bei Wikileaks!

"Anti-white racism of the most virulent kind has become a fact of life across Europe, but perhaps nowhere more so than in Germany. Even young Turkish women think nothing of calling native girls "German whores" and chanting that "Germans should be gassed," [...] Here young Muslim women shout "So sieht Deutscher Inzest aus" at police officers"

"Lone native students at Muslim immigrant-dominated vocational high schools quite often won't last a week and are lucky to escape their bullies physically unhurt. In this footage, four immigrants mug a German man in a Berlin subway station, beating him into a coma and leaving him permanently brain-damaged The four perpetrators were teenagers from Albania, Kosovo, Iraq and Nigeria, who had earlier shouted "Scheiß-Nazis" and "wir hassen Deutsche" at the victim and his colleagues. The fact that, in all likelihood, most or all of them are refugees granted asylum by Goody-Goody Germany further adds to the heinous nature of the crime. I can give similar examples until the cows come home, and these are only the ones that somehow slipped past the censors."

" A mind-mashing 63% of preschool immigrant children (often 4th generation!) in Berlin's Kreuzberg district speak little or no German and are theoretically inadmissible to an elementary school"

"Young Turkish criminals have a vocabulary of 500 German words largely devoid of any grammar."

"Muslims make up only 9% of Berlin's population, yet account for 70% of young repeat criminals, revealed Berlin public prosecutor Roman Reusch To be more precise, 46% of Berlin's juvenile serial criminals are of Arab descent, while 33% of them have Turkish ancestry"

" a staggering 50% of Berlin's Turks live on the dole. But if you include stay-at-home Turkish women living indirectly off benefits, the unemployment figure rises to about 70%!"

... Bringschuld... ist klar!

Für jemanden der nur Überschriften liest oder gerne andere Themen in Treads einbaut ist das Buch natürlich nicht geeignet.

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