hast du eine Haustür?
Ja, Wieso?
Ok, der Begriff Rassismus ist politisch motiviert, aber jetzt in das extreme Gegenteil zu verfallen und die Gleichmacherei der Neoliberalisten zu übernehmen, um sich als besserer Mensch vorzukommen ist ebenso idiotisch.
Laut Oded Galor gibt es einen Sweet-Spot genetischer Diversität, der ein Optimum darstellt, innerhalb der sich eine Gesellschaft neuen Herausforderungen gegenüber entwickelt.
There is a sweet spot.
The sweet spot at the moment is associated with the level of diversity in the United States, and societies that are more diverse are more able to cope with this rapidly changing technological environment, and the degree of diversity is generating benefits in the context of innovations.
But this is where it gets controversial, because if there is a perfect amount of genetic diversity, that means there are also less optimal mixtures of humanity.
Oded and Quamrul found that societies lacking in genetic diversity tend not to be innovative.
On the con side, societies that tend to be more diverse are less trustful, less cohesive, less coordinated.
An overly diverse country, by this analysis, is the Congo, where ethnic groups have been dividing for over 50,000 years.
Now it's mired in civil war.
On the other hand, a country like Poland isn't diverse enough.
It has only been inhabited for about 5,000 years.
So it is very coherent ethnically, but it is not a powerhouse of innovation.
Oded and Quamrul say a blend somewhere in the middle lets new voices emerge, promotes innovation, and leads to economic health.
But some anthropologists say the economists are wrong.