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Das ist die übliche PSYOP des NATO-Terrornetzwerks

wie der auf Duma am 7. April (Angeblicher Chemiewaffenangriff in Ost-Ghouta), woraufhin die USA mit Großbritannien und Frankreich angebliche Orte des syrischen Chemiewaffenprogramms bombardiert hatten

Beim NATO-Dschihad gegen Jugoslawien haben die vom Wertewesten angeheuerten und per Luftwaffe unterstützten islamistischen Terroristen bei ihrer PSYOP ebenfalls Kinder massakriert, um es dann ihren Opfern in die Schuhe zu schieben. Von der UN wurden damals diese False-Flag-Massaker sogar aufgedeckt, aber das hat die NATO bei ihrer Propaganda für den Terroristenführer Izetbegovic nicht weiter gestört. Der frz. Premierminister Balladur hat die Terroristen damals sogar für ihre False-Flag-Terroranschläge gegen die Zivilbevölkerung gelobt: "but at least they have forced NATO to intervene."

"Canadian (UN) soldier testimonies from book : The Sharp End" by James D. Davis
James R. Davis' book "The Sharp End, A Canadian Soldier's Story", published by Douglas & McIntyre, Vancouver/Toronto, 1997.

The next morning, a report came in from the observers that no Serb mortars had fired that they were aware of. The trajectory was calculated and it was determined that the Bosnians had mortared their own children. For public relations purposes. Sure enough, the morning news in the city reported that the UN and their Serb allies had killed these children. We could not believe it. I can't speak for the others, but that morning I would have happily killed any TDF (Muslim) troops I saw. I was growing tired of the whole mess. These people did not care. They were animals.
It wasn't the last time the Bosnians murdered their own people in well-staged attacks for PR reasons."

"Massaker auf Bestellung
Hierzu diente u.a. das sogenannte "Brotschlangenmassaker" vom 27. Mai
1992, bei dem angeblich serbisches Artilleriefeuer mindestens 20
Menschen auf einem Markt in Sarajevo tötete. Drei Tage später
beschloss der UNO-Sicherheitsrat ein Embargo gegen Jugoslawien.
Anschließend auftauchende Zweifel bezüglich der Täter, nämlich die
zufällige?! Anwesenheit eines bosnischen Fernsehteams, die Tatsache,
dass es sich bei den Toten überwiegend um Serben handelte, nicht
vorhandene Granateinschläge usw. änderten nichts an der
internationalen Isolation Jugoslawiens."

"The 1992 "Breadline Massacre": "United Nations officials and senior
Western military officers believe some of the worst killings in
Sarajevo, including the massacre of at least 16 people in a bread
queue, were carried out by the city's mainly Muslim defenders -- not
Serb besiegers -- as a propaganda ploy to win world sympathy and
military intervention. . . . Classified reports to the UN force
commander, General Satish Nambiar, concluded . . . that Bosnian
forces loyal to President Alija Izetbegovic may have detonated a
bomb. 'We believe it was a command-detonated explosion, probably in a
can,' a UN official said then. 'The large impact which is there now
is not necessarily similar or anywhere near as large as we came to
expect with a mortar round landing on a paved surface." ["Muslims
'slaughter their own people'," (London) The Independent, 8/22/92]
'They [i.e., the Muslims] have committed this carnage on their own
people?' I exclaimed in consternation. 'Yes,' confirmed the Prime
Minister without hesitation, 'but at least they have forced NATO to
["No more lies about Bosnia," Le Nouvel Observateur,
8/31/95, translated in Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture,
January 1997]

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