Das US-Gesundheitssystem ist KEINE Marktwirtschaft im Gegensatz zu vielen, unfundierten Behauptungen. Es ist geplagt von Unmengen staatlicher interventionistischer Maßnahmen und Vorschriften sowie von Lobbyismus und Vetternwirtschaft. Außerdem gibt es für große Teile der Bevölkerung staatliche Versicherungen (Medicare, Medicaid). Und das alles ist der Grund für seine astronomischen Preise.
history of US health care policy from the beginning to Obamacare
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How American Healthcare killed my Father
The Atlantic, September 2009 issue
In Government-Regulated Healthcare, There Is No Competition
The Free Market Medical Revolution
Interview with G. Keith Smith, MD, board-certified anesthesiologist in private practice since 1990
The Primal Prescription: Surviving The "Sick Care" Sinkhole
by Doug McGuff MD, Robert P. Murphy
Gebundene Ausgabe 21. Oktober 2015
Why Americans Pay Too Much for Health Care
by Charles Silver and David Hyman
America spends almost $4 trillion a year on healthcare, around twice what most other developed nations spend per head, and approximately half of it is taxpayer funded. With only 4 percent of the world’s population, the US accounts for half of the pharmaceuticals consumed worldwide. If more healthcare were the answer, the US would be the healthiest country on the planet. Yet while Japan’s and Singapore’s healthcare expenditures per head are only a fraction of those of the US, Japanese and Singaporeans live over five years longer than Americans.
But so long as government funds continue to prop up the “firefighting” model of healthcare, where we wait until people get really sick and then treat them with expensive drugs and surgery, we are unlikely to see the emergence of many “fire prevention” programs.
Physician Burnout: Another Consequence of Medical Socialism
Private Medical Care STILL Is a Better Deal Than Government Care