RvdtG schrieb am 31.10.2022 11:27:
Slava Asovstal schrieb am 31.10.2022 10:48:
was meinst du wozu man Hubble gebaut hat?
Als Weltraumteleskop zur Beobachtung "nach Außen".
Es war aber deutlich billiger, weil Militär und Gehiemdienste die Technik vorher schon für Beobachtung "nach Innen" im Einsatz hatte.
KH-11s are believed to resemble the Hubble Space Telescope in size and shape, as they were shipped in similar containers. Their length is believed to be 19.5 meters, with a diameter of up to 3 meters (120 in).[5][22] A NASA history of the Hubble,[23] in discussing the reasons for switching from a 3-meter main mirror to a 2.4-meter (94 in) design, states: "In addition, changing to a 2.4-meter mirror would lessen fabrication costs by using manufacturing technologies developed for military spy satellites".