audio driver (1) schrieb am 12.02.2024 17:24:
Ist mir gar nicht aufgefallen.
Er sprach von 2008, 2014 und Minsker Abkommen. Dann kam da noch ein Angebot, wie man die Sache beenden könnte. Hast Du Dir das Interview mal reingezogen?
Hast du?!
Tucker Carlson fasst es doch schon zu Anfang zusammen:
"At the beginning the interview we asked the most obvious question which is: Why did you do this? Did you feel a threat an imminent physical threat and that's your justification? And the answer we got shocked us: Putin went on for a very long time ..."
"...What you're about to see seemed to us sincere whether you agree with it or not. Vladimir Putin believes that Russia has a historic claim to parts of Western Ukraine"