Tom Taylor schrieb am 21.02.2024 11:34:
Lesen Sie da bitte nochmal nach.
Die USA waren und sind, direkt oder indirekt, an fast allen gewaltsamen Konflikten und internen Spannungen im "Globalen Süden" seit 1945 beteiligt.
Der Einmarsch der SU, auf Gesuch der Regierung in Kabul wohlgemerkt, war bewusst provoziert durch "Operation Cyclone" der CIA.
Die USA haben die religiösen Fanatiker im Land unterstützt und noch groß gemacht, um die sozialistische Regierung zu stürzen und/oder eine SU-Intervention zu provozieren (in den letzten Jahren offengelegte Dokumente der CIA und Aussagen von Insidern aus dieser Zeit bestätigen das).
Diese Operation startete schon im Jahr 1978 (also gleich mit der erfolgreichen Saur Revolution in Afghanistan) und lange vor dem Einmarsch der Sowjets (offengelegte Dokumente des Politbüros zeigen, dass die SU-Führung darüber nicht glücklich war und nur widerwillig der Regierung in Kabul zu Hilfe kam).
Chuck Cogan (CIA-Chief of the Directorate of Operations zu dieser Zeit) sagte später z.B. „Wir haben von Beginn an bewusst die schlimmsten Typen finanziert, lange vor der Revolution im Iran und lange vor der Sowjetischen Invasion.“
Die Förderung des „extremen Islamismus“ (einer fundamentalistischen Auslegung des Islam als politische Waffe) in der ganzen muslimischen Welt (nicht nur in Afghanistan) startete schon 1969 in Zusammenarbeit der CIA und Saudi-Arabiens, mit dem Ziel den pan-Arabischen Nationalismus und die progressiven „kommunistischen“ Befreiungsbewegungen in diesen Ländern zu schwächen. Also selbst der spätere „islamische Terror“ der 2000er Jahre, welcher einen seiner Ursprünge in diesen und vielen anderen verdeckten und offenen Operationen hat, war am Ende teilweise „hausgemacht“. Die Geister die ich rief…
Dass die Operation Cyclone schon 1978 begann ist falsch.
"It was not the intention to ensnare Moscow in its own “Soviet Vietnam” (an eventuality that could not plausibly have been foreseen in 1979), but rather to prevent the consolidation of the Sovietization of Afghanistan. The nascent covert program was a consequence of the Soviets’ “creeping intervention,” not its cause, and carefully calibrated to avoid provoking an invasion. Brzezinski’s actions through 1979 demonstrated an effort to dissuade intervention through publicizing the growing Soviet presence and warning directly of the consequences of intervention, and his post-invasion actions belie the argument that bogging down the Soviets in an unrelenting insurgency was his objective. The limited pre-invasion covert program is wholly insignificant to charge the Carter administration with actively attempting to induce an invasion, and thus causing the subsequent decades of destabilization in Afghanistan. It is, as Mondale wrote, “a huge, unwarranted leap to conclude that the CIA plan was designed to provoke a Soviet intervention when we were, in fact, trying to discourage one.”"
Den Konflikt in Georgien im Jahr 2008 hat Georgien erwiesenermaßen selbst ausgelöst. Dazu muss man nichts weiter ausführen. Kann man alles Googlen.
Hab mal gegoogelt.
"At that stage, Putin technically handed over the presidency to his prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, but the evidence suggests that already, from 2006, the decision had been made that something needed to be done about Saakashvili. From that year on, the North Caucasus Military District began staging increasingly elaborate and sizeable military exercises that it would turn out were both wargaming invasion and also a cover for the eventual troop build-up. Meanwhile, the Russians brought their peacekeeping contingent in Abkhazia to its permitted ceiling of 3,000, including two companies of Spetsnaz and paratroopers from the 7th Air Assault Division. On the other hand, it seemed to neglect South Ossetia, because when it did strike, Moscow wanted to have some pretext, and it knew both that Georgia was actively preparing its own offensive to try to retake the region, and that Saakashvili was a hothead.
South Ossetia was propitious, after all. It could be reinforced via the Roki Tunnel cut through the Greater Caucasus range; its leader, Eduard Kokoity, was fiercely anti-Georgian, and a failed attempt by Georgian forces to regain the region in 2004 had left a legacy of bitterness and mutual suspicion. South Ossetian irregulars, egged on and armed by Moscow, began attacking Georgian civilians and government forces across the disputed border. In some cases, Georgians fired back, and on 1 August 2008, South Ossetians began shelling Georgian villages, in defiance of a 1992 ceasefire agreement. The aim was evidently to provoke Saakashvili into some kind of action that the Russians could use as a pretext. It worked. After a week of claim and counter-claim, ceasefire and ambush, on 7 August Georgian forces began bombarding Tskhinvali. Moscow had got its war."
Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (21.02.2024 22:55).