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Avatar von Patriotischer Souverän
  • Patriotischer Souverän

mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 05.06.2007

Re: Warum schlägst du nicht gleich Lemays Plan für Nordkorea vor...?

Dropping nuclear bombs on major North Korean cities was also LeMay’s idea to force an end to the Korean War at its inception. His superiors demurred; such an attack would be too bloody, and cost too many civilian lives. In later years, LeMay recalled this with bitter irony. After China entered the war in late 1950, McArthur ordered strategic firebombing of North Korean industrial targets, most of which were located in heavily-populated cities. American aircraft dropped high explosives and napalm on North Korean urban areas, burning hundreds of thousands of Koreans. They also bombed irrigation dams, destroying North Korean agriculture, which resulted in widespread famine and massive civilian casualties.

...als ob das noch irgendetwas ändern könnte, nachdem bereits Unmengen an Bomben über Afghanistan abgeworfen wurden....

...und die Taliban haben trotzdem gewonnen!

Beste Grüße!

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