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  • klopot

mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 01.03.2007

Rainbowing und andere *forensische* Sensationen


> Die Fehlerstufenanalyse zeigt fünf Bereiche mit signifikant unterschiedlichem
> Fehlerniveau.

Bereich B z.B im Bild 5 und zieht seine Analyse hierher:

Und was schreibt die Tutorialseite desselben Anbieters?

In general, Photoshop and other Adobe products generate a large amount of rainbowing. However, rainbowing is not an exclusive artifact to Adobe products. For example, the open source GIMP program generates little rainbowing and some high-quality camera photos may also include rainbowing along uniform-colored surfaces, such as white walls or blue skies. Some drawing tools, such as Microsoft's Paint, do not generate rainbowing.

Soso Photoshop also sehr anfällig für Rainbowing und:

uniform-colored surfaces, such as white walls or blue skies.

weiße Wolken vielleicht auch?

Zu den *Caveats* dieser Analysmethode schreibt dieselbe Quelle (auf die sich Bellingcat beruft)

With Photoshop, the simple act of saving the picture can auto-sharpen textures and edges, creating a higher error level potential. This artifact does not identify intentional modification; it identifies that an Adobe product was used. (Remember: if someone needs to download a picture from their camera or resize a picture for the web, they are just as likely to reach for Photoshop as they are to use any other tool.) Technically, ELA detects a modification because Adobe automatically performed a modification, but the modification was not necessarily intentional by the user.

Einfach lächerlich was hier Bellingcat abliefert.

Und neu ist es auch nicht (nennt man wenn ohne Quellenangabe Plagiat):

28. Juli 2014.

Scrollt mal runter.

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