Zum Thema Beratungsfirmen (und Investmentbanker, Börsenanalysten) gibt es den Klassiker von Volker Pispers:
Wer sich eventuell wundert, wieso (ausgerechnet) Macron vor den Wahlen Gegenwind bekommt, hat vielleicht dies nicht ganz mitbekommen:
»French companies make up the largest foreign employers in Russia, with an estimated 160,000 workers.
Across the board, all have been reportedly slower than their British or American counterparts in reducing their Russian exposure, with critics saying the French President’s laissez-faire approach was to blame.[…]
Mr Shields told The Times: “France has left itself open to the charge of putting profits above principle and being hypocritical in its posture towards the Kremlin and that is a charge Macron does not want to see pressed too hard as he seeks re-election next month.”«
Und weil's hier so schön ruhig ist, noch einige Artikel zu anderen Themen. ^^
Heute waren Video-Gespräche zwischen EU und China, hier gibt es das Statement der EU:
Ein Kommentar aus China:
»Li said a stable relationship between China and the EU is extremely important for the world's peace, stability and development. China is willing to increase understanding and mutual trust with the EU, while strengthening the two sides' communication and dialogue.
"Dialogue and cooperation are still the dominant features of China-EU relations, while mutual benefit and win-win are still the general tone of China-EU cooperation," Li said. […]
The summit was held with a focus on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, according to a statement released by the European Council, and the leaders also discuss the state of bilateral relations and areas of shared interest such as climate change, biodiversity and health, as well as ways to ensure a more balanced and reciprocal trade relationship between China and Europe.«
Und ein Artikel aus Russland:
»China calls on the international community to support the negotiating process between Russia and Ukraine instead of "adding fuel to the fire," Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Friday.
"The international community must continue to create conditions and environment for the negotiating process between Russia and Ukraine, to give room to political settlement. It is inadmissible to add fuel to the fire and aggravate contradictions," Xinhua quoted him as saying at an online European Union-China summit.
Xi also said that China supports the European Union’s efforts toward political settlement of the crisis in Ukraine and will play a constructive role in this process.«
Zwei aktuelle Artikel von Pepe Escobar zum Thema Gas und Rubel:
Eine lesenswerte Analyse zu den Vorgängen in Pakistan.
Und das:
»Der ukrainischen Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj hat zwei Generälen ihren Titel entzogen – dem früheren Chef des Geheimdiensts SBU, Andrij Naumow, und dem Ex-SBU-Chef für das Gebiet Cherson, Serhij Kryworutschko.
"Ich habe nicht die Zeit, mich mit allen Verrätern zu befassen, aber sie werden nach und nach alle bestraft werden", so Selenskyj. Die beiden Männer hätten ihren Eid, die Ukraine zu verteidigen, gebrochen. Genaue Einzelheiten nannte er nicht.«
gruss. luky
Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (01.04.2022 20:12).