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Re: Es stellt sich die Frage,

Pudinciulo schrieb am 09.10.2024 08:55:

Gib doch mal ein Beispiel?

Zumindest ist bekannt wer die "unabhängigen" Medien aus der Taufe gehoben und gesponsort hat:

Since 1992, United States Government democratic
reform programs and public diplomacy programs, including
training, and small grants have provided access to and training
in the use of the Internet, brought nearly 40,000 Russian
citizens to the United States, and have led to the establishment
of more than 65,000 nongovernmental organizations, thousands of independent local media outlets, despite governmental
opposition, and numerous political parties.

Wie heißt es so schön:
Wessen Brot ich ess' dessen Lied ich sing.

Wie so etwas funktioniert ist hier gut bschrieben:

Leading this ambitious effort is Richard Boly, head of the State Department’s Office of eDiplomacy. Boly and his team have created a wide range of interactive web portals, linking State Department employees internally and separately connecting them with diverse groups around the world to advance our nation’s foreign policy interests and to empower these groups to achieve social change.
One innovative example is eDiplomacy’s creation of TechCamp, a series of two-day conferences during which civil society organizations working abroad and technology experts identify and apply low-cost, easy-to-implement technologies to shared problems that have helped make these organization more resilient and effective.

At a State Department Tech Camp in Lithuania, activists from nations with repressive governments learned how to keep their groups safe online when they use social media to organize protests. A Tech Camp in Chile led to the widespread application of open source software that is being used by nongovernmental organizations around the world for collaborative disaster management, election monitoring and information sharing.
Boly’s team also created the Virtual Student Foreign Service that has allowed some 350 college students to engage with State Department diplomatic posts overseas. Boly said the interns have worked with college students in Beijing concerning perceptions of American culture, and assisted the U.S. Embassy in Timor-Leste to teach poor youth civil engagement via free, web-based applications.

Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (09.10.2024 13:06).

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