Doch die Biden-Regierung hat die Forderung, endlich die sieben Milliarden Dollar der afghanischen Zentralbank freizugeben, um die Afghan:innen mit Essen und Medikamenten zu versorgen, zurückgewiesen.
Die Biden-Regierung hat aber die anderen 3,5 Milliarden in einen Fonds eingezahlt, der an die Afghanen gehen soll.
"Last month, the U.S. Department of State announced that $3.5 billion in frozen Afghan assets would not be released to Afghanistan’s Taliban-controlled central bank. This was welcome news. On September 14, the Biden administration announced that the money would instead be distributed to the Afghan people through an international fund managed by Swiss government officials and Afghan experts. The new Afghan Fund will itself disburse that $3.5 billion to benefit the Afghan people and ensure that it remains inaccessible to the Taliban."
Zudem hatte vor der Machtübernahme der Taliban das Ausland (ganz überwiegend die USA) den afghanischen Staatshaushalt zu 80 % finanziert.
"According to a recent report coauthored by the World Bank’s lead economist for Afghanistan and published by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), in 2018 (the most recent year for which full data is available), Afghanistan received at least $8.6 billion in foreign aid, representing almost 80% of the nation’s $11 billion in public expenditures (estimates for total on-budget and off-budget assistance). On-budget donor funds are those included in the Afghan national budget and managed through Afghan government systems. Off-budget funds are those that do not meet the conditions of on-budget assistance. As the ODI authors observe, Afghanistan’s unprecedented aid dependence has shaped Afghanistan’s political system and economy."