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  • alterpinguin

mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 05.12.2002

Re: Gulivers Reisen : Laputa, die Flapper

Zwergallwissend schrieb am 20.10.2024 12:02:

subalterne Kaste die die Annahme und Abgabe von Informationen der Bürger steuern.

These servants were called ‘flappers’ and their job was to accompany their master or mistress and make sure they were paying attention to what was going on. They did this with the aid of an inflated bladder on a short stick which, when they deemed it important for the person to be alert and listening, was used to flap them on the ear with the bladder. Equally, if it was something they needed to look at carefully, to flap their employer – gently – upon the eyes, thereby preventing them falling down a cliff.


soll es nicht so was schon als Handy-App geben, die ihren Handybetrachter warnt, falls auf dem Weg plötzlich Laternenmasten im Weg stehen oder ganz schlimm, die befahrene Straße unaufmerksam überquert wird?
Realsatire pur....

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