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685 Beiträge seit 27.01.2008

Artikel in Forbes: How Omicron Evades Natural Immunity, Vaccination (Englisch)

Also nach diesem seriös aussehenden Artikel steht es schlecht um die Impfung. 33 bis 44 fache Reduktion in Neutralisierung bei Omicron. :-O Ausnahmsweise wieder einmal ein voll recherchierter Artikel, obwohl seeehr wissenschaftlich.

In the J&J cohort, no sera samples had neutralizing activity against Omicron. In the Sputnik cohort, only one in the cohort had mild neutralizing activity. And in the Sinopharm cohort, only three had mild neutralizing activity.

The data from figure 4 shows that fully-vaccinated sera with the Moderna vaccine saw a 33-fold drop in neutralization against Omicron, Pfizer a 44-fold drop, and AstraZeneca a 36-fold drop. Notably, Recently released data shows that sera from people who received the third dose lost almost ninety percent of its potency against Omicron after two weeks. After three months, most third-dose sera failed to neutralize at all. This data confirms the epidemiological observations that most fully doubly-vaccinated and triply-vaccinated individuals, including those with prior infection, are susceptible to infection by Omicron within three months of the last boost.

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Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (09.01.2022 21:00).

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