Wie üblich kübelt auch Telepolis den ganzen Wust von Halbwahrheiten, Desinformationen und Unterstellungen in seinem Tendezbeitrag aus, um jenes erneute Kriegsverbrechen in Syrien zu vernebeln. Nach dem Motto: "Es kann nicht sein, was nicht sein darf!" wird versucht diesen ungeheuren Vorgang einzunebeln und zu relativieren.
Dabei sprechen die Fakten eine eindeutige Sprache - Putins Protegé Assad zeigte mal wieder sein wahres Gesicht: Ein Massenmörder, Unterdrücker und Kriegsverbrecher.
Im englischen Guardian nehmen ein Fachleute zu dem Geschehen Stellung und verweisen jene russische Propagandaverlautbarung ins Reich der Phantasie:
Zitat Guardian: Russian narrative dismissed
Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Hamish de Bretton Gordon, director of Doctors Under Fire and former commanding officer of the UK Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Regiment, said this claim was “completely untrue”.
“No I think this [claim] is pretty fanciful, no doubt the Russians trying to protect their allies,” he said. “Axiomatically, if you blow up sarin, you destroy it.”
“It’s very clear it’s a sarin attack,” he added. “The view that it’s an al-Qaida or rebel stockpile of sarin that’s been blown up in an explosion, I think is completely unsustainable and completely untrue.”
Und weiter:
Jerry Smith, the operations chief of the UN-led team that supervised the removal of Syria’s sarin stockpiles following the gas attack on the rebel-held Ghouta area of Damascus four years ago, said:
“If you look at the footage itself, the victims don’t have any physical trauma injuries. There is foaming and pinpointed pupils, in particular. This appears to be some kind of organo-phosphate poison. In theory, a nerve agent. What is striking is that it would appear to be more than chlorine. The toxicity of chlorine does not lend itself to the sort of injuries and numbers that we have seen.”
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Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (05.04.2017 14:22).