... All this area will be a jewish neighborhood. We have not finished the job. We are going to the next neighborhood and after that we'll go more. Our dream (is) that all East Jerusalem will be like West Jerusalem. Jewish capital of Israel.
I see this as a continuation of the Zionist project. The return to Zion. Is it at the Arab's expense? Yes. But our gouvernment institutions were also built at the expense of Arabs who lived here. And so was the state itself.
Yonathan Yosef, spokesperson for israeli Settlers in Sheik Jarrah (im widerrechtlich annektierten Ostjerusalem)
> https://twitter.com/GravelInstitute/status/1392315869099925507
Das nennt sich "ethnische Säuberung" und bildet den Grund für die von Neuber stenografierte "militärische Eskalation zwischen Israel und Palästinensern".
Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (12.05.2021 08:14).