Klaus N schrieb am 15.10.2023 17:27:
Weil sie es nicht brauchen? Haben die USA seit dem Abzug der kubanischen Raketen Kuba angegriffen? Hält ja immerhin schon 60 Jahre und es sieht nicht so aus, als würde sich das in absehbarer Zeit ändern.
Du meinst ausser CIA Terror Aktionen ?
The Cuban Project, also known as Operation Mongoose, was an extensive campaign of terrorist attacks against civilians, and covert operations, carried out by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency in Cuba.
The US Senate's Church Committee of 1975 stated that it had confirmed at least eight separate CIA run plots to assassinate Castro. Fabian Escalante, who was long tasked with protecting the life of Castro, contends that there have been 638 separate CIA assassination schemes or attempts on Castro's life.