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  • serendipity (1)

989 Beiträge seit 24.09.2019

Selensky sagte in Washington, das russische Gas sei das "schmutzigste der Welt"

.. und zwar nicht nur wegen dem Methan, sondern auch wegen "Korruption, Erpressung und Manipulation".
Mit Letzterem meinte er nicht etwa sich selbst - aber wer erpresst die Ukraine denn dazu, ein Monopol auf die Durchleitung des so "schmutzigen" russischen Gas in die EU zu beanspruchen?

Lawrow vermutet, solche Aussagen lägen an Selenskys Mangel an Intelligenz:
"[Our] Ukrainian colleagues now are practicing verbal gymnastics: one day, they believe that Rus is their original name. […] The next day they believe that the Baptism of Rus is a truly Ukrainian holiday, and so on. This is sad. President Zelensky himself makes some remarks about our gas being the dirtiest in the world. In a nutshell, this comes from a lack of intelligence, to be honest"

Amsonsten meint Lawrow, die vereinigten Wertewestler hätten sich mit der Ukraine etwas eingebrockt, was sie jetzt nicht mehr so einfach los werden, obwohl es ihnen langsam dämmert:
""This regime seeks to play on the obvious intention of the West to use all kinds of methods, and all kinds of actions in order to rock Russia off balance, to destabilize it, to distract it from solving the most important problems that we are facing, and, probably, to inhibit our foreign policy somewhat," Lavrov continued. "The Ukrainian regime’s gamble on this, is obvious to everyone. After backing it once, the West is not entirely comfortable with throwing away this bid instantaneously. It has obviously failed, this comprehension is coming, but it has not been reflected in practical steps yet."

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