Was hier passiert errinnert etwas an das Robbers-Cave-Experiment wo man zwei Gruppen von Jugendlichen bewusst ungerecht behandelt hat und dadurch einen Konflikt ausgelöst hat: https://www.simplypsychology.org/robbers-cave.html:
Situations were also devised whereby one group gained at the expense of the other. For example, one group was delayed getting to a picnic and when they arrived the other group had eaten their food.
At first, this prejudice was only verbally expressed, such as taunting or name-calling. As the competition wore on, this expression took a more direct route. The Eagles burned the Rattler's flag. Then the next day, the Rattler's ransacked The Eagle's cabin, overturned beds, and stole private property. The groups became so aggressive with each other that the researchers had to physically separate them.
Auch das Experiment wo man zwei Affen unterschiedlich behandelt passt dazu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meiU6TxysCg
Den Gleichheitsgrundsatz §3 gibt es nicht ohne Grund im Grundgesetz.
Auch bei den NDS gab es einen Artikel dazu: https://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=61226