"Germany's Laschet: NATO's 'biggest debacle'
Among those who were critical was the head of Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU), Armin Laschet.
Laschet, who is running to succeed Merkel in national elections next month, said the withdrawal was an embarrassment to the alliance and that lessons needed to be learned.
"It is evident that this engagement of the international community was not successful."
"It is the biggest debacle that NATO has suffered since its founding, and we're standing before an epochal change."
Zumindest einer der nicht versucht ,dass schönzureden. In Afghanistan wurde dem Wertewesten deutlich die Grenzen aufgezeigt. Vielleicht sollte man doch lieber keine Schiffchen nach China schicken, die lachen sich jetzt erst recht kaputt...