Das ist eben ein Geschäftsfeld für PR Firmen wie "Hill & Knowlton",
die z.B. vom Holocaust-Überlebenden Tom Lantos beauftragt wurden.
Kuweit "Brutkasten" Lügenpresse:
This hoax should have been uncovered before anyone walked out of Tom
Lantos' Human Rights Caucus, but it was two months before the
incubator story was discovered as a hoax, and a whopping 10 MONTHS
before it was discovered who Nayirah really was. By then the US was
already in Iraq. A lie as imitative of past lies, (Germans killing
babies in WW I) and as flimsy as the Nayirah account barely gets
uncovered. And look how little people care: Tom Lantos who knowingly
instigated the hoax (in collusion with the Hill and Knowlton PR firm)
continued on as an elected representative until his death in 2008.
die z.B. vom Holocaust-Überlebenden Tom Lantos beauftragt wurden.
Kuweit "Brutkasten" Lügenpresse:
This hoax should have been uncovered before anyone walked out of Tom
Lantos' Human Rights Caucus, but it was two months before the
incubator story was discovered as a hoax, and a whopping 10 MONTHS
before it was discovered who Nayirah really was. By then the US was
already in Iraq. A lie as imitative of past lies, (Germans killing
babies in WW I) and as flimsy as the Nayirah account barely gets
uncovered. And look how little people care: Tom Lantos who knowingly
instigated the hoax (in collusion with the Hill and Knowlton PR firm)
continued on as an elected representative until his death in 2008.