"Die Taliban sind ein Konstrukt aus Truppen von Warlords"
Bisher konnte man lesen, der Taliban sei von Pakistan geschaffen worden:
The Taliban were largely founded by Pakistan's Interior Ministry under Naseerullah Babar and the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) in 1994. In 1999, Naseerullah Babar who was the minister of the interior under Bhutto during the Taliban's ascent to power admitted, "we created the Taliban".
Das schreibt u.a. auch Tariq Ali in seinem Werk "Fundamentalismus im Kampf um die Weltordnung", - ein lesenswertes Buch.
Zur Finanzierung von ISI, u.a.:
CIA pays for support in Pakistan : It has spent millions funding the ISI spy agency, despite fears of corruption. But some say it is worth it.