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411 Beiträge seit 24.01.2002

Re: Versteh ich jetzt nicht

OdinX schrieb am 23.09.2024 15:46:

Sollte durch die ganzen Corona-Toten jetzt nicht eigentlich eine niedrigere Sterblichkeit herrschen, da vornehmlich alte Menschen gestorben sind?

Es hat sich weltweit ein zusätzliches, den Menschen infizierendes Virus etabliert. Mit dem sich früher oder später jeder infiziert und dessen Langzeitfolgen sich erst nach und nach zeigen.

So sind z.B. laut dem Bericht der SwissRe Herz-Kreislauf Tote seit 2020 unerwartet stark gestiegen und es wird angenommen dass Covid-19 immer noch treibende Kraft der Übersterblichkeit ist:

The UK and US data shows a large, unexplained jump in deaths attributed to cardiovascular disease (CVD) since 2020. Some countries also reported excess mortality over a pre-pandemic baseline for other major causes of death, such as cancer. Based on current medical trends and expected advancements, we conclude that COVID-19 is still driving excess mortality both directly and indirectly.

Als Gründe dafür werden die zusätzlichen Toten durch Covid-19 bei Atemwegserkrankungen und bei Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen aufgeführt:

1. Respiratory deaths likely to stay the key contributor to global excess mortality While testing has certainly dropped since the start of the pandemic, the vast majority of respiratory deaths are attributed to COVID-19. Influenza continues to drive seasonal, winter respiratory deaths. While flu deaths were greatly reduced when societal restrictions were in place for COVID-19, these have now returned. Flu vaccination rates remain high, yet social changes such as mask wearing have mostly abated, but still remain common in countries where masks were more frequently used pre-COVID-19 (for example, in East Asia). However, the risk factors for COVID-19 and flu deaths often overlap. 2. Post-COVID-19 long-term impacts on respiratory and cardiovascular disease ... A US Department of Veterans Affairs’ study on 150 000 COVID-19 patients highlighted increased CVD risks. Symptomatic patients, 30 days post-infection, had higher CVD events and mortality rates across all demographic groups and regardless of pre-existing conditions. Even non-hospitalised patients had higher CVD rates than controls, with increasing infection severity likelihood of a cardiac event. 14

Vorteile haben die Länder die die starke Ausbreitung der ersten SARS-Cov-2 Varianten durch Gegenmaßnahmen verhindert haben, aber zukünftig werden Impfungen den Effekt auf die Übersterblichkeit gering halten:

Long-term cardiovascular complications of COVID-19 need further investigation, but severe post-COVID-19 impacts mainly come from early variants. Healthy, highly immune populations may experience fewer long-term effects. Duration: post-COVID effects have so far mirrored COVID-19 infection severity levels. We expect the impact of these to decrease if variants of COVID-19 remain mild and are well managed with vaccination. Norway, Denmark and Australia reported no or negative excess mortality until 2022, likely as a consequence of more stringent lockdowns, a vaccinated population and other societal actions.
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