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  • Stoneburner

mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 22.02.2011

Re: "Legitimieren" ist das große Missverständnis

notenom schrieb am 01.06.2024 17:49:

Es gibt keinen Grund der NATO, einen Atomschlag gegen Russland zu führen, außer man ist der Meinung, man wird gerade selbst atomar angegriffen. Das gilt natürlich auch umgekehrt.

Wenn das so wäre dann würde die NATO doch dem "no first use" von Atomwaffen zustimmen, das haben sie ausdrücklich nicht.

The United States has refused to adopt a no first use policy and says that it "reserves the right to use" nuclear weapons first in the case of conflict. This was partially to provide a nuclear umbrella over its allies in NATO as a deterrent against a conventional Warsaw Pact attack during the Cold War, and NATO continues to oppose a no-first-use policy.

Not only did the United States and NATO refuse to adopt a no first use policy, but until 1967 they maintained a nuclear doctrine of "massive retaliation" in which nuclear weapons would explicitly be used to defend North America or Western Europe against a conventional attack.

Although this strategy was revised, they both reserved the right to use nuclear weapons first under the new doctrine of "flexible response".

That now superseded doctrine envisioned commanders requesting presidential approval to use nuclear weapons to preempt an attack by a nation or a terrorist group using weapons of mass destruction.

The now superseded doctrine also included the option of using nuclear weapons to destroy known enemy stockpiles of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons.

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