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Re: bisherige Einsätze der Nato

Olle Knolle schrieb am 27.09.2024 12:46:

Die NATO Mission im Irak begann 2018 auf Wunsch der irakischen Regierung und hat mit Bushs Irakkrieg 2003 nichts zu tun.

Na wenn das so ist, warum wurde die dann 2020 nicht ebenfalls auf Wunsch der irakischen Regierung beendet?

When Iraq’s parliament voted to expel American troops from the country Sunday, it was an apparent bid by the government to extract the country from an escalating US-Iran proxy war.

Fears of Iraq once again turning into a battleground are widespread. Tensions in the Middle East have risen dramatically in the aftermath of the US-targeted killing of Iran’s most powerful military general, Qasem Soleimani, and Iraqi Shia paramilitary leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.

Baghdad acted quickly. Caretaker Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi held an emergency session in parliament to vote on whether the government should continue allowing the US military and other foreign troops to remain in the country. The resolution was passed overwhelmingly by Shia lawmakers (most members of Iraq’s other factions sat out the vote), dealing potentially yet another blow to President Donald Trump’s Middle East strategy.

“Iraqi priorities and the US are increasingly at odds,” Abdul Mahdi said during his address to parliament.

He said a US troop withdrawal was the only way to “protect all those on Iraqi soil” – especially American forces that require protection from the Iraqis.

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