Seit dem das US-Imperium völkerrechtswidrig ein Marionettenregime in Polen errichtet hat, ist Polen eine US-Kolonie. Eine passende Metapher für diese Beziehung hat Sikorski gefunden.
Sogar die US-Marionette Sikorski gibt zu:
"Du weißt, dass das polnisch-amerikanische Bündnis wertlos ist. Es ist sogar schädlich, da es Polen das falsche Gefühl von Sicherheit gibt", sagte der Außenminister laut dem Magazin. "Völliger Bullshit! Wir bekommen Probleme mit Deutschland, mit Russland, und sind der Meinung, dass alles super ist, weil wir den Amerikanern einen geblasen haben. Das ist absolut naiv."
"After weeks of delay, the Senate today approved a $657 million
program to promote democracy, private enterprise and the development
of a free-market economy in Poland."
"Throughout the 1980s, in the build-up to 1989's velvet revolutions,
a small army of volunteers - and, let's be frank, spies - co-operated
to promote what became People Power. A network of interlocking
foundations and charities mushroomed to organise the logistics of
transferring millions of dollars to dissidents. The money came
overwhelmingly from Nato states and covert allies such as "neutral" Sweden."
Among its many activities in Poland, the endowment has backed the Gdansk Video Center, which helped produce and distribute pro-democracy videos throughout Eastern Europe during the 1980s. And through the Free Trade Union Institute and the Center for International Private Enterprise, the endowment helped support new unions and employers' associations across Eastern Europe -- building the infrastructure of a free economy."
"United States Policy Toward Eastern Europe
I have determined that the primary long-term U.S. goal in Eastern
Europe is to facilitate its eventual reintegration into the European
community of nations.
Reinforcing the pro-Western orientation of thier peoples.
Encouraging more private market-oriented development of thier
economies, free trade union activity, etc.
Cultural and Educational Exchange and Informational Programs.
Such programs will be employed to reinforce the pro-Western
orientation of the populace in Eastern Europe, and communicate U.S.
views to audiences there."