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mehr als 1000 Beiträge seit 29.12.2013

"ultimate biological warfare" mit über 65000 USGOs

Gibt es denn genug Vertrauen zwischen den beiden Ländern im Bezug auf gegenseitige Einmischung in die inneren Angelegenheiten des anderen, um so etwas zu bewerkstelligen?

Laut dem US-Imperium, dessen Cyberkriminelle("Collect it all, tag it, store it.") ein globales Überwachungsregime errichtet haben, gibt es in Russland über 65000 USGOs, d.h. pro 2100 Bürger eine USGO. Das Ziel dieser völkerrechtswidrigen Einmischung steht in US-Strategiepapieren: "to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere ... access to vital raw materials"
"Overextending and Unbalancing Russia"

"Chaos Theory and Strategic Thought
With this ideological virus as our weapon, the United States should move to the ultimate biological warfare and decide, as its basic national security strategy, to infect target populations with the ideologies of democratic pluralism and respect for individual human rights. With a strong American commitment, enhanced by advances in communications and increasing ease of global travel, the virus will be self-replicating and will spread in nicely chaotic ways. Our national security, therefore, will be best assured if we devote our efforts to winning the minds of countries and cultures that are at variance with ours. This is the sole way to build a world order that is of long duration (though, as we have seen, it can never achieve absolute permanence) and globally beneficial. If we do not achieve this ideological change throughout the world, we will be left with only sporadic periods of calm between catastrophic reorderings.

A tangible implication of this analysis is a sharp increase in support for the United States Information Agency, the National Endowment for Democracy, and the numerous private-sector exchange and educational programs. This programs lie at heart of an aggressive national security strategy."

Die US-Imperialisten sind sogar stolz darauf und brüsten sich mit ihrer "soft power", d.h. illegalen Wahlmanipulationen und Putschoperationen:

"Yanks to the rescue
The secret story of how american advisers helped yeltsin win",16641,19960715,00.html

"(3)(A) Since 1992, United States Government democratic reform
programs and public diplomacy programs, including training,
and small grants have provided access to and training in
the use of the Internet, brought nearly 40,000 Russian
citizens to the United States , and have led to the
establishment of more than 65,000 nongovernmental
organizations, thousands of independent local media outlets,
despite governmental opposition, and numerous political

"As stated in the Russian Democracy Act, “United States Government
democratic reform programs… have led to the establishment of more
than 65,000 non-governmental organizations… and numerous political
parties” (Sec.2(a)(3)(A)). In other words, the U.S. law-makers openly
admit that the U.S. Government and American money are behind every
fifth out of 300,000 registered NGOs in Russia. The figures are even
more impressive than those in Belarus. For every 2,100 citizens of
Russia, we’ve got one “public” association “established” and at least
partly, if not fully, funded by Washington."

US-Agenten holen neue Instruktionen beim US-Botschafter:

"Im Jahr 2010 nahm Nawalny am „World Fellowship“-Programm der Universität Yale teil, das auch mehrere Persönlichkeiten der Orangenen Revolution in der Ukraine 2004 und dem Maidan-Putsch von 2013/2014 ausgebildet hatte. Das Programm wird derzeit von Emma Sky geleitet, die jahrelang als Beraterin der US-Besatzungstruppen in Afghanistan und im Irak aktiv war.

Die politischen und sozialen Kräfte, die Nawalny repräsentiert, ähneln denjenigen, die 2014 durch den rechtsextremen und von den USA unterstützten Putsch in Kiew an die Macht kamen. Sein „Volksbündnis“ (das er später in „Fortschrittspartei“ umbenannte) äußerte Unterstützung für die Maidan-Bewegung. Im Januar 2014 erklärte es: „Wir unterstützen und solidarisieren uns mit dem Kampf des ukrainischen Volkes für Freiheit und einen Regierungswechsel (smena wlasti) ... Wir sehen viele Ähnlichkeiten in den Herangehensweisen und Methoden der ukrainischen [Regierung unter Janukowitsch] und der russischen Regierung.“"

"The idea behind NED was to create an organization to do overtly what the CIA had long been doing clandestinely, and the organization has developed its own history of foreign interference. “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA,” acknowledged Allen Weinstein, one of NED’s founders.[3]"

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