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268 Beiträge seit 24.08.2022

Teilmobilisierung betrifft nicht "Reservisten", sondern "Einwohner"

Teilmobilisierung betrifft nicht nur Reservisten, sondern jeden,
denn in dem schriftlichen Dekret steht etwas anderes drin als das was Putin in seiner Rede sagte.

In seiner Rede sprach Putin von Reservisten, aber im Dekret fehlt dieses Wort. und statt dessen steht da "Citizens of the Russian Federation", also "Einwohner Russlands" statt "Reservisten".

The first paragraph of the decree signed by President Putin talks about a “partial mobilization.”

But it does not define those eligible as narrowly as Russia’s leader did in his address. Instead, it says that the only people to which it does not apply are those who are ineligible because of age, sickness, or imprisonment.
In paragraph two, it says that the president has decided “to call up citizens of the Russian Federation for military service by mobilization into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Citizens of the Russian Federation called up for military service under mobilization shall have the status of enlisted military personnel performing military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on a contractual basis.”

Ekaterina Schulmann, a Russian political scientist and associate fellow at Chatham House, said on Telegram that while the decree “describes the mobilization as partial,” it “sets no parameters of this partiality, either territorial or categoric.”

“According to this text, anyone can be called up except for those working in the military-industrial complex who are exempt for the period of their employment. The fact that the mobilization applies only to reservists or those with some particularly necessary skills is mentioned in the address, but not in the decree,” she said.

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