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Re: Immer Weniger sind immer vernagelter

Enyaq schrieb am 26.12.2022 12:45:

Du glaubst also, dass sich Russland von der NATO bedroht fühlte?

Rechtfertigt das in deinen Augen einen brutalen Vernichtungskrieg gegen ein Land, was nicht einmal in der NATO ist und dessen Beitritt schon von den Schisshasen Frankreich und Deutschland abgelehnt wurde?

Du gestattest, dass ich die NATO wortwörtlich zitiere:

Question (Norwegian News Agency): I am sorry Jamie but if you say that the Army has a lot of back-up generators, why are you depriving 70% of the country of not only electricity, but also water supply, if he has so much back-up electricity that he can use because you say you are only targeting military targets?

Jamie Shea : Yes, I'm afraid electricity also drives command and control systems. If President Milosevic really wants all of his population to have water and electricity all he has to do is accept NATO's five conditions and we will stop this campaign. But as long as he doesn't do so we will continue to attack those targets which provide the electricity for his armed forces. If that has civilian consequences, it's for him to deal with but that water, that electricity is turned back on for the people of Serbia.

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