Hans Koning in der New York Times:
Before ''Munich'' - somehow never labeled the British-French-Nazi pact - Stalin had spoken up for joint action with Czechoslovakia. Until well into 1939, he remained a believer in collective security. There is no need to put a moral stamp on this; it seemed the obvious policy for the Soviet Union. And only when it became clear that neither Neville Chamberlain for England nor the Polish Government was accepting Russia as a potential ally, did he choose his only other option, a modus vivendi with Germany.
It is all on record, how England sent a medium-level Foreign Office man to Leningrad by boat to keep Stalin talking, how Chamberlain told his inner circle that not Hitler but Russia was the danger. Litvinov was fired because he was the personification of the League of Nations and its collective security, certainly not in the first place because he was a Jew.
Die Sowjetunion als Allierter der Tschechoslowakei bietet Großbritannien ein Bündnis an, um die Tschechoslowakei zu sichern. Wie auch heute vertritt die Sowjetunion das Prinzip der Kollektiven Sicherheit.
Weder Großbritannein noch Polen sind bereit ein Bündnis mit der Sowjetunion einzugehen, weil: Die Sowjetunion ist die Gefahr, nicht Hitler. Beide Staaten waren davon fest überzeugt.
Der sowjetische Außenminister Litvinov, strenger Vertreter des Prinzips der Kollektiven Sicherheit, wird entlassen.
Die englische Wikipedia:
Joseph Stalin was upset by the results of the Munich conference. On 2 May 1935, France and the Soviet Union signed the Franco-Soviet Treaty of Mutual Assistance with the aim of containing Nazi Germany's aggression. The Soviets, who had a mutual military assistance treaty with Czechoslovakia, felt betrayed by France, which also had a mutual military assistance treaty with Czechoslovakia. The British and French mostly used the Soviets as a threat to dangle over the Germans. Stalin concluded that the West had colluded with Hitler to hand over a Central European country to the Germans, causing concern that they might do the same to the Soviet Union in the future, allowing the partition of the USSR between the western nations. This belief led the Soviet Union to reorient its foreign policy towards a rapprochement with Germany, which eventually led to the signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact in 1939.
Der Betrug der Westmächte, die Hitler gegen die Sowjetunion benutzen wollten, führte zur Reorientierung der Politik der Sowjetunion. 1939 kam es zur Unterzeichnung des Hitler-Stalin-Pakts.
Das Posting wurde vom Benutzer editiert (05.03.2022 14:23).